11 Benefits Of Switching From Coffee To Matcha Tea




Effect of coffee vs Matcha tea on health and happiness.

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Hello, fellow tea enthusiasts! My name is Yumi, and I’m excited to share my experience of switching from coffee to matcha tea. As a die-hard coffee lover for years, this transition was quite a flavorful adventure. But, boy, did it have remarkable effects on my health and overall well-being!

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the benefits and experiences I encountered during this switch. Here’s a list of the most notable highlights:

1. Energy Boost Without the Jitters

One of the first things I noticed after making the switch was that matcha tea provided me with a smooth and sustained energy boost throughout the day. Coffee used to give me jitters and occasional heart palpitations, but with matcha, I felt more focused and calm. The secret? Matcha has a unique combination of caffeine and an amino acid called L-theanine, which promotes relaxation and reduces stress.

2. No More Coffee Breath

I used to worry about my breath after my morning coffee, but not anymore! Since making the switch to matcha, I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my breathing. Matcha has a fresh, subtle taste that doesn’t linger, leaving my breath fresh and pleasant.

An energized couple who drank Matcha Tea.

3. Antioxidant Powerhouse

I was surprised to learn that matcha tea contains an incredibly high level of antioxidants. This help protects our bodies against free radicals and oxidative stress, which can lead to chronic diseases and aging. Knowing I’m taking care of my body while enjoying a delicious beverage feels fantastic!

4. Improved Digestion

I used to struggle with digestion issues after consuming coffee. However, since switching to matcha tea, I’ve experienced a noticeable improvement in my digestive health. Matcha contains dietary fiber, which aids digestion and helps maintain a healthy gut.

5. Versatility and Flavor

I thought I’d miss the rich taste and aroma of the coffee, but I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of flavor in matcha. The earthy, slightly sweet taste of matcha is unique and quite versatile. I’ve enjoyed experimenting with matcha lattes, smoothies, and baked goods!

6. Environmentally Friendly

Switching to matcha tea has also made me more environmentally conscious. Coffee farming can contribute to deforestation and habitat destruction, while matcha is typically shade-grown, requiring less land and fewer resources. By choosing matcha, I’m doing my part to reduce my carbon footprint.

7. A Sense of Ritual

Preparing matcha tea has become a delightful morning ritual for me. The process of whisking the vibrant green powder into a frothy, steaming cup is both meditative and grounding, setting the tone for a positive and mindful day.  

8. Improved Skin Health

I couldn’t believe the difference in my skin since switching to matcha tea. Its high antioxidant content, particularly the catechin EGCG, has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties, resulting in clearer and more youthful-looking skin. My complexion has never been better!

9. Reduced Anxiety

Matcha’s combination of L-theanine and caffeine not only provides a balanced energy boost but has also been shown to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. Since making the switch, I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my overall mood and stress levels.

10. Strengthened Immune System

The antioxidants and catechins in matcha tea have been linked to improved immune function. I used to catch colds frequently, but since incorporating matcha into my daily routine, I’ve noticed a significant decrease in the number of colds I’ve caught.

11. Improved Skin Health

I couldn’t believe the difference in my skin since switching to matcha tea. Its high antioxidant content, particularly the catechin EGCG, has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties, resulting in clearer and more youthful-looking skin. My complexion has never been better!

To sum up, my journey from coffee to matcha tea has been nothing short of amazing. The myriad of health benefits, delicious flavor, and versatility have made matcha a permanent fixture in my daily routine. I’m thrilled to have discovered this wonderful beverage and encourage all of you to give it a try.

Cheers to a healthier, more energized, and vibrant you!

What happens when you switch from coffee to matcha?

When transitioning from coffee to matcha, you may experience a more stable and sustained energy boost due to matcha’s lower caffeine content and the presence of L-theanine, an amino acid that promotes relaxation without causing drowsiness. This combination can result in improved focus and reduced jitteriness compared to coffee. Additionally, matcha provides a higher antioxidant intake, which can offer potential health benefits.

Is it better to drink matcha instead of coffee?

Whether it’s better to drink matcha instead of coffee depends on individual preferences, tolerance, and health goals. Matcha offers several advantages over coffee, including a more stable energy boost, higher antioxidant content, and the presence of L-theanine, which promotes relaxation and reduces stress. However, some people may prefer the stronger taste and more immediate energy boost provided by coffee. It’s essential to consider personal needs and preferences when deciding between matcha and coffee.

What happens if I drink matcha tea every day?

Drinking matcha tea daily in moderation can offer health benefits such as increased antioxidant intake, sustained energy, enhanced focus, metabolism support, and improved heart health. However, excessive consumption may lead to side effects, so it’s crucial to consider individual tolerance and balance when incorporating matcha into your routine.

How long does it take to see results from matcha tea?

The time it takes to see results from matcha tea varies depending on individual factors and the specific health benefits being sought. Some effects, such as increased energy and focus, may be noticeable almost immediately, while others, like improved heart health or metabolism support, may require consistent consumption over weeks or months to become apparent. Individual responses and lifestyle factors also play a role in the time frame for experiencing matcha tea’s benefits.


  1. Higashiyama, A., et al. (2011). Effects of l-theanine on attention and reaction time response. Journal of Functional Foods, 3(3), 171-178. Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1756464611000351
  2. Weiss, D. J., & Anderton, C. R. (2003). Determination of catechins in matcha green tea by micellar electrokinetic chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 1011(1-2), 173-180. Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0021967303006415
  3. Nagata, M., et al. (1998). Effect of the water-soluble part of green tea on the activities of intestinal brush border membrane enzymes in rats. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, 44(6), 791-799. Link: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jnsv1973/44/6/44_6_791/_article


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